Income and allowances to declare and the expenses you can claim a deduction for in your occupation or industry.
Using our guides
Our occupation and industry guides help you to complete your tax return, use these guides to:
- work out what income and allowances to declare
- check if you can or canât claim work-related expenses as a deduction
- find out what records you need to keep.
To claim a deduction for work-related expenses, you must meet the 3Â golden rules:
- You must have spent the money and you werenât reimbursed.
- The expense must directly relate to earning your income.
- You must keep records that show you incur the expense (usually a receipt).
Our guides
We tailor our occupation and industry specific guides to address common expense claims we see as deductions in your occupation or industry. Use the table below to access either:
- the complete occupation or industry guide including income, expenses, record keeping and examples
- select the link in the left column of the table
- read the content online
- the PDF summary of common work-related expenses for your occupation or industry, you can
- select the link in the right column of the table to open the PDF
- download as a PDF.
Information in other languages
A summary of the common work-related expenses for your occupation or industry may be available in your language:
- Select your language from the other languagesâ homepage.
- Select the heading Individuals.
- Check the list, to see if a deductions summary for your occupation or industry is available.
QC72193 â Last updated 24 June 2024